Fulfillment Policy

Refund and Cancellation Policies:

Written Notice: Participants must provide written notice to cancel their enrollment. The date of the written notice will be considered the cancellation date.

Full Refund: If cancellation occurs within the first 3 days of enrollment, participants will receive a full refund.

Partial Refund: For cancellations after 3 days but within 10 days, a partial refund may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

No Refund: No refunds or partial refunds will be provided for cancellations made after 10 days from the start date of the program.

Exceptions: In exceptional circumstances (e.g., medical emergencies), partial refunds may be considered at the discretion of the program administrators.

Program Changes:

We reserve the right to modify or cancel the program if necessary. In such cases, participants will be notified promptly and given the option for a full refund or to transfer to another program.

Program Termination:

The program reserves the right to terminate a participant's enrollment for violations of conduct or failure to meet program requirements. In such cases, no refund will be provided.

Contact Information:

For any questions, concerns, or to initiate a cancellation, please contact our support team at support@aptoninc.com.

This policy ensures transparency and fairness for all participants while maintaining the integrity and sustainability of our program.